Managing diabetes can be challenging – its diagnosis, and ever-changing state can feel uncertain, exhausting, and bring up many different emotions. However, it’s important to know that creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is possible!
We have extensive experience in all areas of diabetes self-management, including diet, foot care, eye care, medications, and blood glucose monitoring. In addition, we regularly work with clients in special diabetes populations, including teenagers and pregnant women. We have relationships with a number of medical professionals in the Chicagoland area, and can help our clients put together a comprehensive team to provide the support they need!
We partner with our clients as we work to improve their health. Along with customized meal plans, we provide comprehensive education and support to help our clients learn to successfully manage their diabetes. Our ultimate goal is for our clients to learn to make wise choices, and we believe that having a specialized dietitian available to provide ongoing support and education will help our clients thrive now and in the future!
We are a warm and affirming practice that is open to clients of all physical abilities, races, sizes, ages, gender identities, religions and ethnic groups.