Nicole Hayes MS, RD, LDN

Lead Dietitian

Read Nicole's Bio

Nicole's Bio

Nicole is a registered dietitian who has a passion for helping her clients develop a relationship with food that allows them to enjoy all the benefits that food has to offer, from energy to enjoyment, socialization and community. She believes that all food serves a purpose and can be part of a nourished life.

Nicole is a Certified ARFID Specialist and works with clients struggling with ARFID (Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder), picky and selective eating, and pediatric feeding disorders. Nicole works with clients to help them expand the variety of foods they enjoy, as well as build the confidence and skills needed to help become more adventurous eaters. Nicole combines food exposures, food tastings, cooking experiences, and nutrition education to help provide support to those struggling with limited and selected eating patterns. Nicole also works with clients struggling with disordered eating and eating disorders to help repair their relationships with food through a gentle nutrition approach.

Nicole received a bachelor’s degree in culinary nutrition from Johnson and Wales University and completed her clinical training through Metropolitan State University in Denver. She received her Master of Science from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Prior to joining Healthier Tomorrows, Nicole worked at an eating disorder treatment facility with patients at inpatient, residential, and partial hospitalization levels of care. Before becoming a registered dietitian, Nicole completed culinary school, earning an associate’s degree in baking and pastry, and spent time working in a number of bakeries and restaurants!

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