Dietitian Meg Tomlin

Meg Tomlin MS, RD, LDN, CFNIP

Read Meg's Bio

Meg's Bio

Meg is a registered and licensed dietitian who enjoys helping her clients find balance and well-being in their lives. She believes that every client deserves an individualized approach to nutrition. She uses a non-diet, weight-neutral approach focusing on functional nutrition and intuitive eating, identifying the root causes of client symptoms and struggles.

Meg believes in bio-individuality and understands that each client has unique genetics, goals, and lifestyle habits. She understands first-hand how confusing and frustrating it can be to see so much nutrition information online, and she loves helping her clients block out the noise and find what works for them. She specializes in eating disorder recovery, sports nutrition, functional nutrition, cooking lessons, and intuitive eating.

Before joining Healthier Tomorrows, Meg completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Georgia and her supervised practice at the Medical University of South Carolina. She has experience working with eating disorders and disordered eating, sports nutrition, hormonal health, and integrative nutrition in the inpatient and outpatient settings.

She currently lives in Charleston, South Carolina so much of her free time is spent at the beach, taking long walks, reading, or cooking for her supper club! Meg also loves creating fun and simple recipes to share with those around her!

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