Dietitian Kara Shepp

Kara Shepp MS, RD, LDN

Read Kara's Bio

Kara's Bio

Kara is a registered dietitian that is passionate about providing judgment-free, individualized nutrition counseling while meeting clients where they are at in their journey. Kara practices from a non-diet, Health at Every Size, and trauma-informed perspective. She aims to help others understand their relationship with food and how it impacts their minds and bodies. Kara has experience working with individuals struggling with eating disorders, disordered eating, addiction, weight and metabolism, and sports nutrition. As a runner herself, she believes in the importance of fueling to feel and perform your best!

Kara graduated from Appalachian State University with a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Foods – Dietetics. Kara then went on to complete a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition combined with a dietetic internship at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. Before Healthier Tomorrows, she worked with a residential facility working with clients with eating, mood, and substance use disorders. Kara has experience facilitating 1:1 cooking lessons, restaurant and food exposures, and grocery store tours.

In her free time, Kara enjoys running with her run club, baking/cooking new recipes, and spending time with her two pugs (Cashew and Cannoli)! On the weekend, you can find her trying out local Chicago coffee shops and walking through the farmer’s market!

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