Hannah Rivard MS, RD, LDN

Read Hannah's Bio

Hannah's Bio

Hannah Rivard is a registered and licensed dietitian passionate about providing individualized nutrition education tailored to each client’s needs and overall well-being. Hannah believes that individualized care is incredibly important, and she prioritizes that with all of her clients. She is well-versed in trauma-informed care and works diligently to create an emotionally and physically safe atmosphere for each of her clients. Hannah takes pride in providing a safe, compassionate and non-judgmental nutrition counseling space along with her consistent dedication to the Health at Every Size (HAES) and All Foods Fit frameworks.

Before joining Healthier Tomorrows, Hannah worked as a dietitian in an eating disorder treatment center with both adolescent and adult clients in residential and inpatient levels of care. Hannah helped clients heal their relationships with body image, food, and physical activity through individual sessions, nutrition education groups, individualized exposures and body image work. She has a strong background in Family Based Therapy, and significant experience guiding family sessions, developing individualized meal plans, and conducting various food exposure therapies. Hannah has worked closely with clients with co-occurring mental health diagnoses including, but not limited to, anxiety, depression, and trauma. Hannah has significant experience also working with individuals struggling with ARFID.

Prior to working with eating disorders, Hannah also gained experience working at multiple children’s hospitals working in both pediatric and neonatal nutrition, along with lactation support.  Hannah’s specific nutrition-related interests include eating disorder recovery, ARFID, sports nutrition, pregnancy and women’s health, and intuitive eating.

Hannah received her Bachelor of Science with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Vermont. She completed her Masters in Nutrition and Health Promotion as well as her Dietetic Internship at Simmons University, with a focus on the treatment of eating disorders.

In her free time, Hannah loves to try new restaurants and coffee shops around New England. She enjoys hiking, traveling, cooking and baking, and spending time with her family and friends.

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